FFUN SDG - HELP UA has started a project #BeTheLight, focusing on raising awareness and in the process - Empowering Ukraine. We believe that the World needs Angels and Super Heroes now, more than ever! And we urge international public figures to make a stand in combating apathy, because -“To Ignore Evil is to Become Accomplice to It” (MLK)
This project is represented by the renown international public figures, who have become FFUN SDG - HELP UA “Ambassadors of Light”, whose mission is to #BeTheLight and to give #PowerToUkraine in their own chosen way.
Please meet our “Ambassadors of Light” and join in the FFUN SDG - HELP UA Mission on the ground in Ukraine, by becoming our public figure representative - “Ambassador of Light”, or by donating to the Humanitarian cause which our “Ambassadors of Light” represent:
is an Academy Award winning producer known for such films as: “Palmer” with Justin Timberlake, “Green Book” with Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali, “Dumb and Dumber” with Jim Carry and Jeff Daniels, “Something about Mary”
with Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller, and others.
For his brilliant film, “Green Book” - a human story of talent, perseverance, courage, dignity and defiance set during the era of racial segregation in the US - Charles has received an Oscar for Best Picture. This film resonates deeply with our FFUN SDG - HELP UA Mission on the ground in Ukraine, where our team combats aggression, terror and Humanitarian crisis, while facing thousands of personal tragedies daily. We understand what it means to strive, to be defiant in the face of aggression, to be dignified and to persevere. Persevere because our values are above the hatred, the aggression and the malice. We believe that “good” remains “good” outside of time and continuum, and it will always prevail.
Being of Jewish background, Charles Wessler remembers the historical events of the past and the legacy which tyranny leaves behind. His inspiration for taking action is a simple phrase - “Never Again!” As a FFUN SDG - HELP UA Ambassador of Light, Charles Wessler will focus on giving #PowerToUkraine and will aim to #BeTheLight by bringing power and light to Ukraine, literally. His efforts will center on bringing generators, power stations and rechargeable lights to Ukraine - so that thousands of internally displaced people within the country, as well as those still living at the frontlines, can survive this cold and dark winter, and beyond. Bringing vital energy, heat, light, connection, and internet to thousands in need will be Charles’ way of giving #PowerToUkraine and his way to #BeTheLight for many. FFUN SDG - HELP UA truly hopes that others will follow his lead and will help Charles give #PowerToUkraine, or join him in his campaign and #BeTheLight, as his fellow “Ambassador of Light “, helping to spread awareness and deliver aid. Please Contact us!
is a Ukrainian, a journalist, a mother of three, the wife of a soldier, a renowned guide on Ukraine and a famous blogger. Since the beginning of the open invasion of Ukraine and throughout the War, Olena has become the “Voice” of the people. Her Youtube Chanel “What is Ukraine” – has become a portal for thousands of international viewers to see the reality in Ukraine, through the eyes of an average Ukrainian family. Viewers around the world relive the fear, the anger, the pain, the hope, the faith and the love through her stories.
Olena was always devoted to showcasing her country; she was always truthful and courageous in that mission: be it trips to the Chernobyl Nuclear Zone or historical insights, which proved to be a real “eye-openers” for many western viewers. But the level of her fearless devotion to the truth, to the story-telling, to recording the diary of the struggle and the everyday survival during the war crossed all boundaries.
This made Olena Gnes famous internationally. She has become an icon, representing Ukraine on major international news channels such as CNN, FOX, CBC, BBC, RTE – and programs such as the Anderson Cooper Evening Show, plus many others.
Forced to become a refugee due to her child’s health conditions, Olena became an active “Voice for Ukraine” within the US. She restlessly continues to spread awareness about what matters most, while helping Ukraine gain aid and support in the process. As a FFUN SDG - HELP UA “Ambassador of Light” Olena Gnes will focus on giving #PowerToUkraine and will aim to #BeTheLight by spreading awareness about our mission on the ground and sharing internationally the stories that truly matter. By delivering truthful results of our joined humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, and highlighting the real needs to the international viewers, press and followers, Olena will continue to give #PowerToUkraine and to #BeTheLight. Along the way, she will be encouraging others to do likewise and save thousands of lives in the process. Please Contact us!
is a woman, a lawyer, an activist protecting women’s rights, and a philanthropist supporting young mothers and maternity needs through her NGO “Lada”
She is a wife and a mother, who like many others, stayed in Ukraine to continue on helping women in need. As an “Ambassador of Light” for the FFUN SDG - HELP UA base, the Foundation for United Nations SDG mission on the ground in Ukraine, Maryna’s mission will be to give #PowerToUkraine and #BeTheLight . Maryana Marchenko intends to do this by empowering young mothers of Ukraine, protecting their rights and needs, and helping them to establish their careers, have psychological support along the way and give them the “Voice”! Maryna is a mother herself, raising a 5-year-old son, Leo, and a 12 -year-old stepdaughter, Aurora. She shares all babysitting and child rearing responsibilities with her husband Serhiy Marchenko, who is an active participant in raising their beautiful family. And that’s how it should be - since motherhood is a shared labor of love. Yet from early on, Maryna has noticed that, while pregnant women and babies are more-less provided for in our society - the young mothers are left to survive on their own, with little support and understanding at the time when they need it most. This became only more acute during the War and Humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, when young mothers were left without their homes, forced to live as refugees, without jobs and without even their husbands by their side, since men are defending their country. Hence, as a FFUN SDG - HELP UA “Ambassador of Light” Maryna would like to devote her time and her Ambassadorial voice - to #BeTheLight for thousands of young mothers of Ukraine, empowering them and helping them to become the base of a Strong Ukraine. That’s going to be her way of giving #PowerToUkraine! Please Contact us!