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Foundation for United Nations SDG
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Знайте, що наша команда на місцях робить неможливе можливим, щодня творячи доблесні дива в Україні в час величезної кризи. Існує гостра потреба в підтримці та фінансуванні, ми є неприбутковою організацією, і лише ваші пожертви підтримують життєво важливі аспекти нашої діяльності на місцях під час війни, наприклад, придбання бензину та дизельного палива для наших легкових і вантажних автомобілів, для того щоб ми продовжували доставляти невідкладну допомогу в гарячі точки та відрізані поселення щоб переміщати цивільних осіб у безпечне місце; придбання засобів захисту для військових та територіальної оборони на передовій; і постійна закупівля їжі, води, ліків та допомоги для тих, хто її потребує.
Our headquarters non-profit organization, Foundation for United Nations SDG , is part of the United Nations SDG Joint SDG Fund initiative. Before the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, our headquarters in Kyiv worked towards all 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, focusing in particular on education, art, culture and gender equality. After the start of the war, we had to reorganize ourselves, creating the FFUN SDG.HELP-UA branch with the task of dealing with the needs on the ground due to the rapidly growing humanitarian crisis. This branch immediately took action to guarantee food, medicine and education for children in all areas of the country, especially in those closest to war zones.
As we are a non-profit organization, we rely only on donations and support. And although the FFUN SDG, through its website, is also engaged in raising funds in favor of the SDG Joint Fund for the realization of the significant objectives of sustainable development, it does not receive any kind of support from the latter, nor from other international organizations that can help support the efforts in favor of the attacked population. Nor, therefore, does the FFUN SDG-HELP UA mission on the ground in Ukraine receive funds or aid from the UN or other international institutions.
Therefore, for donations to help our humanitarian relief effort in Ukraine during war and crisis, an official USA registered NGO was created based on our FFUN.SDG HELP-UA project #BeTheLight
#BeTheLight is official and highly trustworthy - it is a USA registered 501(c)(3) NGO, fully testing for public safety organization, eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170. Hence all your donations are tax-deductible.
#BeTheLight is a 501(c)3 status applicant NGO, Donors may claim a tax deduction for their donation to “Be the Light” in 3-6 month term, when pending process is through.
Naturally, as a branch of the FFUN SDG, we focus our efforts on civilians, children, families, the elderly and people with special needs. So far, donations have been used to get food, and aid, install water filtration systems for IDP housing, help IDPs in need, evacuate injured civilians, and cover the cost of gasoline for our trucks, so we can continue to bring aid to our Base in Vorokhta.
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